Aqueous/Actinide Separations

Present efforts are aimed at the research and development of processes for the recovery of valuable products from used nuclear fuel. The main focus is centered on simplified processes to lower the cost of recycling and reuse, maximize the recovery of useful products, and minimize geological wastes.

Current RD&D Scopes
  • Direct extraction of voloxidized powder into organic extractant (DEHIBA, TBP) to avoid raffinate high acid waste
  • Development of automated processes using robotics and artificial intelligence
  • Fuel assemblies debundling to facilitate processing of fuel rods and reuse of hardware
  • Advanced voloxidation to produce a fine powder amenable to several separation schemes allowing the dry removal of tritium, iodine, 14-carbon, and noble gases and reducing the overall cost by 7%.
  • Simplified single cycle recovery of uranium by fluoride volatility with safeguards by design and re-enrichment
  • Low temperature chlorination of Zr / Al cladding materials
  • Zr recovery and reuse including 90Zr enrichment